Automatic translation of article from Dutch; doJC
26. God’s patience is running out
Automatic translation of article from Dutch; doJC
The Heirs — update
The Heirs of God’s kingdom version 2:5
HCSB (Psalm 11:7) For the LORD is righteous; He loves righteous deeds. The upright will see His face.
Inheriting the ‘heavenly’ Kingdom of God. What does God’s kingdom look like?
And what will our future on the new earth look like? To answer these questions, we will discuss a number of topics in this book.
A compilation of an earlier release, parts of other articles, supplemented with new thoughts.
Table of contents:
- What does inheritance or law of inheritance mean?
- The word ‘Firstborn’ is used for the Christ
- The only begotten heavenly Son
- What shows that Jesus has already received the inheritance?
- The grave; the difference between Hades and Gehenna
- The meaning of soul and spirit
- Jesus, like His Father, is the Alpha and the Omega
- God made an everlasting covenant with Abraham
- The year-week
- Jesus coming as Messiah
- Which groups will inherit the Kingdom?
- The order of Heavenly rapture
- The rapture into heaven with a spiritual body
- The Kingdom government
- The destruction of the wicked, along with heaven and earth
- The bride and the wedding
- The judgment of the dead will be passed
- The new heaven and the new earth
- The New Jerusalem
- The resurrection with a natural body
- The last battle on the new earth
. (All citations from the New King James translation)
3. What is truth?
Automatic translation of article from Dutch; doJC
2. What is truth?
Automatic translation of article from Dutch; doJC
1. What is truth?
Automatic translation of article from Dutch; doJC
5. Show mercy; for young and old
Automatic translation of article from Dutch; doJC
4. Show mercy; for young and old
Automatic translation of article from Dutch; doJC
3. Show mercy; for young and old
Automatic translation of article from Dutch; doJC
2. Show mercy; for young and old
Automatic translation of article from Dutch; doJC