6. The secrets from the book of Daniel unraveled, with enlightening insight.

Daniel part 6.pdf

CSB (Daniel 12: 4) 4 But you, Daniel, keep these words secret and seal the book until the time of the end. Many will roam about, and knowledge will increase.
.                           (All quotations from the New King James translation)

The prophet Samuel spoke God’s words to handsome Saul (1 Samuel 9: 2), that Saul as king had to defeat the Amalekites (1 Samuel 15: 1-11) who had so opposed Israel after their flight from Egypt. Saul, in contrary to Samuel’s words, left King Agag and the cattle alive. God told Samuel to anoint a new king in a family. The father quickly called his sons together. In the concerned family, 7 sons were brought to Samuel, but Samuel could not find the right one. Are these all the sons, he asked their father Jesse?
Except the youngest, who is not there. He is tending the sheep. That youngster was considered too light by his father, to be anointed as king. Then go and get him right away.
The young man was brought in and immediately anointed with oil (1 Samuel 16:13). This was the one who later defended God’s people, when he defeated the giant Goliath with a stone. After Saul, David became king. The forefather in the line of the Son of God, our king Jesus.
Because God looks at someone’s heart (1 Samuel 16: 7). That also applies to every Christian.

Summary part 5:
The 1st fulfillment of ‘the vision for those days ‘, which would befall the Jewish people with Antiochus IV Epiphanes as king.
The 2nd fulfillment of ‘the vision for those days’, which will befall Christians with the Antichrist as king.  

Theme: The sealing of the book of Daniel broken, the secrets revealed.

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